One thing pet portraits are great for is soothing that empty place in your heart. It won't fill it but having a portrait of your pet helps keep the memory alive. This commission is in loving memory of a Shih Tzu named Lucy.
Size: 5x7 Medium: Scratchboard with a watercolor wash CLICK TO VIEW FULL SIZE
I finished Tanner and Simba. I am pleased with how it came out. I also enjoyed being able to practice both on a cat and a dog at the same time. Size: 11x14 [my scanner couldn't fit the whole thing] Medium: Scratchboard with a watercolor wash CLICK TO VIEW FULL SIZE
Another update on my latest commission. I've fondly named this Love at First Sight. I forgot to mention before the dog is named Tanner and the cat is Simba. CLICK TO VIEW FULL SIZE
I haven't been doing much work due to school work piling up. But, I finally had some free time and was able to work on my latest commission. A dog and a cat at the same time! They are adorable. This has been a lot of fun so far. I decided to show a work in progress with this one. It's half way done. I hope to get it done within the next few days. Size: 11x14 CLICK FOR FULL VIEW