Friday, May 27, 2011

Societies and Shows

I am beyond please to announce I was accepted into the Pastel Society of America as an Associate Member! Getting into this society is amazing to me because any art society [animal, watercolor, illustration,etc.] of america is the top society for an artist practicing in that medium to be accepted into. It feels so great and a reassuring that all of the practice I have done and how hard I work is paying off!

Another huge deal for my career as an artist; I was accepted into a prestigious NJ art show called the Twelfth Annual Gaelen Juried Art Show. A few months back I entered 2 scratchboards and a charcoal for first jury. My 2 scratchboards were accepted into the show! Which was a major accomplishment in itself. The show opening was May21. All the work was amazing. There were category awards [1st place and honorable mention] for each category [photo,pastel,sculpture,mixed media]. 

I won Honorable Mentioned in the mixed media category for "Morning Light"!

Last was an awesome week!

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